
Thanks for helping out with the dice roller!

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to the library. They explain the process to get started, and ensure that it's as easy as possible for people to work with the project.

Code of Conduct

Check out our Code of Conduct.

I have a question

Please use the GitHub discussion boardopen in new window to raise questions.

How to contribute

Reporting bugs


Before raising a ticket, please check it hasn't already been raised!

If you find a bug, please let us know.

Before submitting a bug report

  • Search through existing ticketsopen in new window to see if the issue has already been reported.
    • If it has, and the issue is still open, add a comment to it, rather than creating a new ticket.
    • If it has, and the issue is closed, see if any suggested fix resolves the issue for you.

How to submit a bug report

Bugs are tracked as GitHub issues, and you can report a bug through GitHubopen in new window.

Explain the problem in as much detail as possible, including any additional details that could help to reproduce the problem.

  • Use a clear and descriptive title for the issue, that identifies the problem.
  • Describe the exact steps which reproduce the problem with as much detail as possible.
  • Provide specific examples to demonstrate the steps. Include links to source code, or copy/paste code snippets. If providing code snippets, please use Markdown code blocksopen in new window.
  • Describe the behaviour that you observed after following the steps and explain why this is a problem.
  • Describe the behaviour that you expected to see and why.
  • Include any screenshots if relevant.
  • If you receive any error messages, console output, or similar, please include them.
  • Provide the library version number that you're using. If it's not the latest version, can you reproduce the problem in the latest release?

Suggesting improvements and new features

We'd love to hear any ideas you've got for new features or improvements. Following these guidelines helps us to understand your suggestion better.

Before submitting a feature suggestion

  • Check you're using the latest version. The feature may have been added in a newer version.
  • Search through existing ticketsopen in new window to see if the feature has already been suggested. If it has, add a comment to the existing one, rather than creating a new one.

How to submit a feature suggestion

Feature suggestions are tracked as GitHub tickets, and you can suggest a feature through GitHubopen in new window.

  • Use a clear and descriptive title for the ticket, that identifies the suggestion.
  • Provide a step-by-step description of the feature with as much detail as possible.
  • Provide any relevant examples to demonstrate the feature, such as code snippets.
  • Describe the current behaviour and explain the behaviour you'd like to see instead and why.
  • Include any screenshots if relevant.
  • Explain why the feature would be useful

Contributing code

If you want to help out with the development itself then please dive in.

Finding something to work on

If you're unsure where to begin, you can start by having a look at the tickets flagged as "help wanted" or "good first issue"open in new window, and see if you can help with any of them.

If there aren't any flagged as with either label, that doesn't mean we don't want your help! Generally, we're happy for people to dig into any ticket that hasn't been assigned to someone. A ticket that has been assigned means that someone else is working on it.

So have a look around the open tickets and see if you feel as though you can help with any of them.

If you've got an idea for a feature, but there isn't a ticket for it, feel free to create one and assign it to yourself. This way, it's easier to keep track on what is being worked on, and we can try to ensure that multiple people aren't unknowingly working on the same thing.

Setting up

The code is stored in a Git repository. To get started either clone or fork the repositoryopen in new window.

Make sure that you check out the develop branch, or create a feature / hotfix branch for the task you're working on, and not the main branch.


You should never work directly on the main branch. You should work on either the develop branch or a feature branch.

See the Branching model section for more information.

File structure

The project file structure is split up into logical groups:

|- demo/
|- lib/
   |- esm/
   |- umd/
|- src/
|- tests/
  • root contains mostly meta files, such as the .babelrc, eslintrc.json. rollup.config.js and other files used for the generation of the library.

  • lib contains the compiled Javascript files, in both EcmaScript and UMD versions, in the esm and umd directories respectively.

    Do not manually change the files in this directory as any changes will be overwritten.

  • src is where the magic happens. This contains all the source Javascript ES modules that get compiled into the lib directory. It is these files that you should modify.

  • tests contain Jest tests. If you make changes to the source code, you should update / add tests to cover the changes.

Compiling and building the code

If you want to see what how your code functions, you'll need to compile the source code to the lib directory. There are several ways of doing this, depending on the required outcome.

There are several scripts to help:

# compile compressed / minified the ES and UMD files
npm run build

# compile un-compressed version of the ES and UMD files
npm run build:dev

# watch the `src` directory for changes and compile un-compressed ES files on change
npm run watch

Testing your code

We utilise both a JavaScript linter and a testing framework to ensure that all code conforms to certain standards and any new code doesn't break existing code, or otherwise behave unexpectedly.

You do not need to build / compile the code before linting or testing. Both the linter and tests run on the original source code.

All code must pass both the linter and the tests. You can read more about them in the Styles and standards section.

Pull requests

When creating a pull request, there are several things that need to be considered, to ensure that the quality of the library is kept, and that the code remains readable and manageable

Please follow these steps so that your pull request can be considered by the maintainers:

  • Ensure all tests pass locally before creating a pull request. If they do not, explain the reason in description of the pull request.
  • If the pull request relates to a ticket, ensure that the ticket number is referenced in the description of the pull request.
  • Provide a description of what the pull request is trying to achieve. If there is a related ticket, then the description can be brief. Otherwise, please provide enough detail for the reviewer to understand what bug it fixes, or feature it implements, and why.
  • Follow the style guides.
  • After submitting your pull request, verify that all status checksopen in new window are passing.

What if the tests / status checks are failing?

Check what is failing. If you believe that the failure is unrelated to your change, please leave a comment on the pull request explaining why you believe the failure is unrelated. A maintainer can re-run the status checks and determine if it's a false positive, or otherwise unrelated to your changes.


You should never work directly on the main branch. Any pull requests on to main will, unfortunately, have to be rejected, and you'll have to re-create it on develop.

See the Branching model section for more information.

Styles and standards


Branching model

We use the git-flow branching modelopen in new window. This means that there is always a main branch and a develop branch, and there may be other branches that follow the git-flow naming conventions.

  • The main branch is the current latest release, and should only be modified when making a release.
  • The develop branch is where all the fun happens, and where we can work and make our changes (Although these should generally be done on a feature branch).

Commit messages

  • Use the present tense (e.g. "Add feature" not "Added feature").
  • Use the imperative mood (e.g. "Enhance fudge die rolls" not "Enhances fudge die rolls").
  • Limit the first line to 72 characters or fewer.
  • Reference relevant ticket numbers after the first line.

JavaScript style guide

All JavaScript must adhere to the Airbnb standard styleopen in new window. This is to make sure that the code is readable and more maintainable for everyone.

We use ESLintopen in new window to ensure that the syntax is correct and meets the standards.

You can check if the code conforms to the standards by running the following in the console:

npm run lint

If there are problems, it will show you the files and line numbers for each issue.


We use Jestopen in new window to test the library. The tests can be found in the /tests directory.

When writing tests, ensure that they are thoughtfully-worded, and well-structured, so that it is both easy to understand and maintain.

You can check if the code passes all the tests by running the following in the console:

npm test

This runs the JavaScript Linter first, and then the tests, so if the linter fails, then the tests will not be run.

Use of AI

With the rise of AI, such as ChatGPT, being used to write code, it is important that we stress that such services are more often than not, completely inaccurate, and introduce bugs and unintended behaviour.

It also leads to some ambiguous copyright issues, whereby it is uncertain who owns the copyright for the generated code.

Moderating such content is very time-consuming, often for very little ultimate gain.

If you are using AI to generate any content, please tag the content as "is bot"open in new window. Any content suspected of being generated by a bot / AI will be tagged as such.

At the discretion of the maintainers, the content may also be rejected / removed.