
PercentileDice ⇐ StandardDice

Represents a percentile die.

Kind: global class
Extends: StandardDice

new PercentileDice([qty], [modifiers], [sidesAsNumber], [description])

Create a PercentileDice instance.


  • TypeError qty must be a positive integer, and modifiers must be valid
[qty]number1The number of dice to roll (e.g. 4)
[modifiers]Map.<string, Modifier> | Array.<Modifier> | Object | nullThe modifiers that affect the die
[sidesAsNumber]booleanfalseWhether to show the sides as % (default) or 100
[description]Description | string | nullThe roll description. ⇒ string

The name of the die.

Kind: instance property of PercentileDice
Returns: string - 'percentile'

percentileDice.sides ⇒ number | string

The number of sides the die has

Kind: instance property of PercentileDice
Returns: number | string - % if sidesAsNumber == false, or 100 otherwise