
The simplest form of notation is just a basic dice roll.

Die quantity

A single die has a minimum quantity of 1, and a maximum quantity of 999.

✅ These are valid: d8, 1d10, 999d6, 20d4 + 999d10.

❌ These are not: 0d10, 1000d6, -1d20.


Notation: d{n}

A standard die has a positive numerical number of sides, like typical 6 sided dice, or a d20.

You can roll dice with almost any number of sides.

d6    // roll a single 6 sided dice
4d10  // roll a 10 sided dice 4 times and add the results together

Percentile dice

Notation: d%

Percentile dice roll a whole number between 1-100, and are specified with the format d%. This is a shorthand for a standard die with 100 sides, d100

4d%  // roll a percentile die 4 times and add the results together

Is equivalent to:

4d100  // roll a 100 sided die 4 times and add the results together

Fudge / Fate dice

Notation: dF / dF.2 / dF.1

Fudge dice are 6 sided dice marked with minus (-), plus (+), and blank sides, which correlate to -1, +1, and 0 respectively.

The default is one third of each, known as dF.2, or just dF. A variant is dF.1 which has 4 blanks, 1 plus, and 1 minus.

dF    // roll a standard Fudge die. Equivalent to `dF.2`
dF.2  // roll a standard Fudge dice. Equivalent to `dF`
dF.1  // roll the variant Fudge dice
4dF   // Roll a standard Fudge die 4 times and add the results together