
Read the sections below for details usage instructions.

TLDR; just show me some examples.

Rolling dice

Dice are rolled with a string notation. The quickest method is using the DiceRoll class:

import { DiceRoll } from '@dice-roller/rpg-dice-roller';

const roll = new DiceRoll('4d6');

The above will parse the notation, roll the dice, and store the result.

If you want to roll another notation, you can create another DiceRoll instance:

const roll1 = new DiceRoll('2d10 + 1d4');
const roll2 = new DiceRoll('8dF.2 - 3');

Roll totals

You can get the total value of a die roll using the total property on the DiceRoll object:

const roll = new DiceRoll('4d8+1');
console.log(; // e.g. 26

Min / max / average

The DiceRoll object has the following properties for comparative totals:

  • minTotal: The minimum possible total for the notation.
  • maxTotal: The maximum possible total for the notation.
  • averageTotal: The average total for the notation.
const roll = new diceRoll('4d8+1');

console.log(roll.minTotal); // 5
console.log(roll.maxTotal); // 33
console.log(roll.averageTotal); // 19


You can get a formatted output of the dice rolled, and the total result from the output property:

const roll = new diceRoll('3d10 + 1d8');
// 3d10 + 1d8: [4, 9, 3]+[2] = 18

This is automatically called when casting the object to a string:

console.log(`You rolled: ${roll}`);
// You rolled: 3d10 + 1d8: [4, 9, 3]+[2] = 18

Roll log

If you want to keep a log of previous rolls, you can use the DiceRoller class instead:

import { DiceRoller } from '@dice-roller/rpg-dice-roller';

const roller = new DiceRoller();

Any notations rolled on a DiceRoller instance get stored in its log.


The DiceRoller has a roll() method, that takes a string notation, and returns a single DiceRoll object:

const roller = new DiceRoller();
const roll1 = roller.roll('4d6');
const roll2 = roller.roll('2d10 * 3');
const roll3 = roller.roll('4d20k1');

It also accepts multiple notations at once, and will return an array of DiceRoll instances.

This is equivalent to the above:

const roller = new DiceRoller();
const rolls = roller.roll('4d6', '2d10 * 3', '4d20k1');


Every time you roll on a DiceRoller instance, it gets stored in the DiceRoller's log, and can accessed like so:

const roller = new DiceRoller();
roller.roll('4d6', '2d10 * 3', '4d20k1');

console.log(roller.log); // list of rolls


To empty a roll log, call the clearLog() method:

const roller = new DiceRoller();
roller.roll('4d6', '2d10 * 3', '4d20k1');

console.log(roller.log); // list of rolls


console.log(roller.log); // an empty array


To return a formatted output of the entire log, use the output property. It contains a semicolon separated list of the individual DiceRoll outputs.

const roller = new DiceRoller();
roller.roll('4d6', '2d10 * 3', '4d20k1');

// 4d6: [4, 1, 4, 3] = 12; 2d10 * 3: [8, 2]*3 = 30; 4d20k1: [2d, 20, 15d, 19d] = 20

This is automatically called when casting the object to a string:

console.log(`You rolled: ${roller}`);
// You rolled: 4d6: [4, 1, 4, 3] = 12; 2d10 * 3: [8, 2]*3 = 30; 4d20k1: [2d, 20, 15d, 19d] = 20


To retrieve the sum total of all the rolls in the log use the total property:

const roller = new DiceRoller();
roller.roll('4d6', '2d10 * 3', '4d20k1');

console.log(; // 62

Export rolls

The DiceRoll class has an export() method, which can export the rolls in several formats, as defined in the ExportFormats utility object.

// we need to import the exportFormats object
import { DiceRoll, exportFormats } from '@dice-roller/rpg-dice-roller';

const roll = new DiceRoll('4d6');


JSON string (Default)

The default output type is a JSON formatted string.

// default export as a JSON string
const jsonString = roll.export();
// equivalent to:
const jsonString = roll.export(exportFormats.JSON);

Returns stringified version of the plain object:

'{"averageTotal":14,"maxTotal":24,"minTotal":4,"notation":"4d6","output":"4d6: [2, 4, 2, 2] = 10","rolls":[...],"total":10,"type":"dice-roll"}'


Calling JSON.stringify() on a DiceRoll instance returns the same as a JSON export():

JSON.stringify(roll) === roll.export();

Plain object

You can export to a plain Javascript object:

const jsonString = roll.export(exportFormats.OBJECT);

Returns something like:

  averageTotal: 14,
  maxTotal: 24,
  minTotal: 4,
  notation: '4d6',
  output: '4d6: [2, 4, 2, 2] = 10',
  rolls: [...],
  total: 10,
  type: 'dice-roll',

Base64 string

// export as base64 encoded string
const jsonString = roll.export(exportFormats.BASE_64);

Returns base64 encoded version of the JSON string:


Exporting logs

You can also export the data from a DiceRoller instance, in exactly the same way. It also has an export() method, that accepts the same export formats.

import { DiceRoller, exportFormats } from '@dice-roller/rpg-dice-roller';

const roller = new DiceRoller();


The plain object export returns something like this:

  log: [
      averageTotal: 14,
      maxTotal: 24,
      minTotal: 4,
      notation: '4d6',
      output: '4d6: [2, 4, 2, 2] = 10',
      rolls: [...],
      total: 10,
      type: 'dice-roll'
      averageTotal: 11,
      maxTotal: 20,
      minTotal: 2,
      notation: '2d10',
      output: '2d10: [8, 7] = 15',
      rolls: [...],
      total: 15,
      type: 'dice-roll'
  output: '4d6: [2, 4, 2, 2] = 10',
  total: 10,
  type: 'dice-roller'

Import rolls

Importing rolls is handy if you need to be able to retrieve rolls from a database, share them across environments etc.

Both DiceRoll and DiceRoller classes have a static import() method that can import form any of the exported formats listed above:

From exported rolls


// create a `DiceRoll`
const roll1 = new DiceRoll('4d6');

// export as JSON
let exportedRolls = roll.export();
// import the data into a new DiceRoll instance
const roll2 = DiceRoll.import(exportedRolls);

// export the rolls as Base64
let exportedRolls = roll.export(exportFormats.BASE_64);
// import the data into a new DiceRoll instance
const roll3 = DiceRoll.import(exportedRolls);


// create a `DiceRoller` and roll some dice
const roller1 = new DiceRoller();

// export as JSON
let exportedRolls = roll.export();
// import the data into a new `DiceRoller` instance
const roller2 = DiceRoller.import(exportedRolls);

// export as Base64
let exportedRolls = roll.export();
// import the data into a new `DiceRoller` instance
const roller3 = DiceRoller.import(exportedRolls);

Manually build import data

You can also build your own data to import, provided that it's formatted correctly.

At it's simplest, the DiceRoll import expects an object that contains a string notation, and an array of roll value results:

const data = {
  notation: '4d6',
  // the values rolled
  rolls: [
    3, 6, 2, 4,

const roll = DiceRoll.import(data);

The DiceRoller expects an object that contains a log property. The log property must be an array of data that is correctly formatted to be imported into a DiceRoll object, as in the example above:

const data = {
  log: [
      notation: '4d6',
      rolls: [
        3, 6, 2, 4,
// create a `DiceRoll` and export as JSON
const roll = new DiceRoll('4d6');
const exportedRolls = roll.export();

// import the data into a new `DiceRoller` instance
const roller = DiceRoller.import({ log: [ exportedRolls ] });

Import to existing roll log

You can also import rolls into an existing DiceRoller instance, to append rolls to an existing log:

// create a `DiceRoller` and roll some dice
const roller = new DiceRoller();

// create a `DiceRoll` and export as JSON
const roll = new DiceRoll('2d10');
const exportedRolls = roll.export();

// append the rolls to the existing roll log
const roller = roller.import({ log: [ exportedRolls ] });


// create a `DiceRoller` instance that keeps a log of previous rolls
const roller = new DiceRoller();

// roll a notation
let roll = roller.roll('4d20');

// output the roll
console.log(`You rolled: ${roll}`);
// You rolled: 4d20: [4, 18, 15, 11] = 48

// roll several notations all at once, and append them to the log
const rolls = roller.roll('1d6', '2d4dh1', '5d10!!');

// output all of the rolls from the log
console.log(`You rolled: ${roller}`);
// You rolled: 4d20: [4, 18, 15, 11] = 48; 1d6: [3] = 3; 2d4dh1: [3d, 1] = 1; 5d10!! = [3, 2, 16!!, 3, 9] = 33

// get the sum of all the rolls in the log:
console.log(`Log total: ${}`);
// Log total: 85

// empty the roll log

// output the empty log
console.log(`Looks empty: ${roller}`);
// Looks empty: 

// If you don't need to keep a roll log, you can use a `DiceRoll, instead of `DiceRoller`
roll = new DiceRoll('4d10*3');

// output the roll
console.log(`You rolled: ${roll}`);
// You rolled: 4d10*3: [8, 3, 4, 6]*3 = 63

// get the roll total:
console.log(`Roll total: ${}`);
// Roll total: 63

// get the minimum possible total:
console.log(`Min total: ${roll.minTotal}`);
// Min total: 12

// get the maximum possible total:
console.log(`Max total: ${roll.minTotal}`);
// Max total: 120

// get the average total:
console.log(`Average total: ${roll.averageTotal}`);
// Average total: 66

Try it yourself

Check the notation section for more examples.

Check the API section for more details on using the dice roller.