Describing Rolls New

You can add a textual description or label to both Dice and Roll Group, to help identify them.

Both inline and block description are supported.


Inline descriptions are marked with # or //, and can appear after any Dice or Roll Group:

4d6 # Fire damage

4d6 // Fire damage

{4d6, 2d10, d4} // Fire damage, Frost damage, and Falling damage (A bad day)

{5d6 + 5} // Fire

4d6dl2 // Drop the lowest two

Any notation inside a description will not be parsed:

2d10 // Ice damage 2d10! / 3


Block descriptions are enclosed between either [ ... ] or /* ... */, and can appear after any Dice or Roll Group:

4d6 /* Ice damage */

2d10 [ Fire damage ]

{5d6 + 5} [ Fire damage ]

{4d6, 2d10, d4} /* You can even
write them on multiple lines

Any notation inside a description block will not be parsed:

4d6 /* Ice damage 5d10 + 7 */